
Rodolfo Aquino, Bar Placer at 64

Here is an example of a senior citizen who proves that age is not an obstacle in passing, even being at the top 10 of the Philippine Bar Examinations.

At age 64, it is also his first take of the Bar exams. He took up undergraduate studies and earned his Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of the Philippines (UP)   in 1966 and a master’s degree in business administration from the same university in 1969.

He had wanted to take up law earlier but could not do so because of financial constraints. Instead, he got a scholarship for a master’s degree in operations research and statistics from RensselaerPolytechnic Institute in New York in 1977, and finished a doctoral degree on the  fields in 1979.

At 52 years old in Year 2000, he earned his master’s in economics, and in Year 2005 at age 57 he got a PhD in economics.  At age 64,  Rodolfo Q. Aquino took the bar exams and placed number 10 from among 6,200 examinees in November 2011.

He is a professor at UP’s College of Business Administration.   His  educational background and list of research works as published in the UP College of Business Administration’s page about him (  shows a picture of an overachiever.

But more than anything else, his story of inspiration for the millions of senior citizens in the country. Who is to say that age is a hindrance in earning higher level degrees?  He got his Master’s in Economics at age 52, and his PhD in economics at age 57. He  finished his law studies at age 62 or 63 and was among the first batch of law graduates from the Alabang campus of San Beda College.

He told reporters in a telephone interview that being a senior citizen has never been an obstacle to completing his law degree.  Indeed, for the sexagenarian Rodolfo Aquino, it is never too late to fulfill a life-long dream of becoming a lawyer so that instead of retiring next year, he plans to apply in one of the law firms of his Sigma Rho fraternity brothers  to gain experience.”

Congratulations  Atty. Rodolfo Aquino! You are an inspiration to millions of senior citizens in this country. A lot of latent dreams has been rekindled with what you achieved this year!






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