Just for Today

Today, I will share with you a list I wrote in my notebook more than 25 years ago.

Its title is “Just For Today.”  I am not the original author of this list, but I don’t also know who is its original author. I may have copied it from some book, magazine or may have heard it from somebody. I may have liked it so much for me to put the contents into my trusty notebook.

Today as I read it again, I  noted that each line of the list gives strength and progress. I also realize that  I have tried to do most of what it says, everyday.

Here is the list.

This day I’ll do these thirteen (13) promises.”

  1. I will live through the next twelve hours and not try to tackle all of life’s problem at once.
  2. I will improve my mind
  3. I will learn something useful.
  4. I will learn something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.
  5. I will be agreeable,  I will look my best, speak in a well modulated voice, and be courteous and considerate.
  6. I will not find fault with friends, relatives or colleagues.
  7. I will not try to change or improve anyone but myself..
  8. I will have a program, I might not follow it exactly but I will have it.
  9. I will save myself from two enemies—hurry and indecision.
  10. I will do a good turn and keep it a secret,
  11. I will do two things I don’t want to do. Just for the exercise.
  12. I will believe in myself.
  13. I will give my best to the world and feel confident that the world will give its best to me.

-Just for Today

It may be difficult to do all the 13 items listed above within one day. Perhaps doing it a thing at a time will help, if only to get the ball rolling. But give it a try.  It is worth the effort.


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    1. You are welcome Phillip. I am glad you liked it. Its been awhile since we have had coffee. I hope to see you around one of these days…

    1. Thank you for following my blog. I am glad I am able to share some of the things I learned through the years to others.

  1. Hi there Nic, This is my first time to visit your site. I was looking for a self help and came across this page of your site. I like tip 7, I need lots of self improvements, from organizing daily task to house hold chores :). Thanks for this! I can do 1 tip at a time!

    Good luck,

    1. Indeed tip #7 is a good start. A lot has been said about people who wanted to changed the world but discovered they cannot just it in their lifetime. And later on as they grow in years, they realized that had they started changing themselves, they could have influenced their family, and their family could have influence the community and the bigger world.

      But yes, start it 1 tip at a time.

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